Friday, April 25, 2008

Too Poor for McDonald's.

Ahh what a lovely day.

Too lovely for this colour.

One moment..

Thaaat's better.

So anyway.

I left the house today with two lovely crisp £5 and £10 notes and three shiiiiny one pound coins.
I then proceeded to spend £12.11 on God only knows what. Honestly, I don't what I spent it on =/. Well other than a lottery ticket or two, and a card for Immi.

Speaking of Immi, never get directions from her. Or Elizabeth for that matter.

Lizzy nearly got me killed directing me actually "So are you on the other side of the road yet?" "No, I've not crossed yet" "Well cross" "If I cross now I will DIE!"

I was then passed to Immi (They were directing me to where their bus was to arrive, over the phone) and was delighted to hear(!) that she hadn't the slightest clue where I was. I am so very proud that I actually found the damned place.

My phone then ran out of money, just as a group of charming and I'm sure very eloquent young chavs, riding a fine chariot, attempted to serenade me with a series of honks and whistles...and mystifying gestures *insert appropriate smiley here*

Eventually I met up with the young scallywag Miss Blake and we proceeded to do and say strange things that did not appear strange at the time but did make us laugh a lot =/

We went to Cafe Nero's and they had soup...God how I wanted some of that soup...but alas, I had to save my pittance for to gain entrance for the cinemaaa later that eve.

Imogen and I discussed politics (code for her birthday) , the works of the late Pliny (my Job Crisis) and deep space (general crap)

I also gave her her fine gifts: The IT Crowd on DVD and Cardcaptor Sakura badges (though whether I should be mentioning her secret shame to the world, I don't know XD)

Eventually twas time to make our treacherous journey the the cinema. Upon arrival (no, I shan't be writing about the journey XP) we were most shocked to be asked for proof of our ages so as to get into this 15-rated moviefilm. Immi was heard to exclaim "But I turn 17 next week!" and I "Crap..crap.." After much crapcrapping she simply asked us to confirm our dates of birth and - wahay! - in we went.

Forgetting Sarah Marshall was, much to my dismay (I do like to complain about rubbish films), very funny indeed. Obviously I had only gone to see it for the lovely Russell Brand, and expected to just concentrate on him with some horrific American humour as a sidedish, but the humour was actually indeed very much to my taste and the storyline wasn't too bad either! The best thing was that the romantic moments were very short and much more bearable than in most RomComs =P. Those who went to see a big, sugary, pianoey, love fest may be disappointed by this but it was tres parfait pour moi!

Anyhoo, apres le film, as the Romans said, Imogen and myself were off to McDonald's (aka Chav HQ) to plot some evil chavvy business and dance to that song by that person. When we looked at the menu however, we were most embarrassed to discover that "Grace, we are too poor for MCDONALD'S!" After a long search we found an item which would fit our tight budget but were sadly told that "The ice cream is too soft" WTF?! This is supposed to be a multi-bagillion, worldwide corporation, what are you doing letting your ice cream go all soft?!
We returned to the menu to find the next cheapest item, a whole TWENTY PENCE more expensive! =O. Imogen and I faffed and counted and peed ourselves laughing at the fact that we were faffing and counting our pennies out to pay for something that was 89p and fiiinally we had the money to make a purchase! One small coke for Grace, one giant leap..for...hmm I've gone too far.

And that was that.

SOOO I am off to the merry Isle of Wight tomorrow. I do hope I don't have a terrible time.

Also, I would LOVE to know who my "anonymous" commenter is =D

Grace xx


Anonymous said...

Me? Well, this is awkward...I only found your blog about 3 days ago and commented on the last two. I'm Shauzia. You know, from Flickr? The strange wierdo with the crappy pictures? Yeah, that's me.

Anonymous said...

Oh, my bad. Last 4.

aristarionne said...

Haha Shauzia, strange weirdo with the crappy pictures. That actually describes ME perfectly XD

Hey Grace!

That was a really funny post! I so envy people who can write funny!

and Happy early 17th to Immi =D

aristarionne said...


does (this is such a simpleton's question) the word "chav" indicate, eh, boys?


aristarionne said...

I am sooooo sorry for hogging this comment section, but I had to exclaim over one last thing!

Immi watches/watched CardCaptor Sakura?????

ZOMG. I didn't know they showed japanese anime cartoons over there!!

Sakura was a lovely series. The art work was excellent, and the whole cartoon was done in perfectly dreamy colours. Hmmm.

Anonymous said...

american humour is truly not that bad. it really isn't. pah.

but the "gestures" part made me laugh.

Anonymous said...

and are the chavs really that scary?