Friday, November 30, 2007

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Friday, November 23, 2007

The Boosh is Back and it's Even More Raw.

Have I mentioned The Mighty Boosh on here before? I don't think I have =O.
Well, it's probably my favourite TV programme ever. I absolutely adore it, seriously, it NEVER fails to have me in hysterics. It also helps that Noel Fielding is the sexiest man alive. Only he could wear the things he does and have that hair and actually look amazing instead of a complete twat.
Anyway, series three is now on BBC Three and it's better than ever. I'll be honest though, I wasn't too sure when I saw the first episode. It was funny, but I thought maybe this series wasn't going to live up to its predecessors. How wrong I was. Episode 2 "Journey to the Centre of Punk" was a lot more magical and I was laughing throughout. Episode 3 (which I watched online because I just couldn't wait and will be on on Thurs 29th November) actually took a while to recover from. I doubt anyone new to the show will find it that funny, but I loved every minute simply because it was so rich in Booshness. I'll not give anything away to anyone who does watch it though.
I CANNOT wait until Noel and Julian do I a live tour although when they come on stage I'll probably start crying/faint/explode.
I have put a classic Boosh song on this here blog, enjoy.
Well, that's all I wanted to say really.
Haff a luffly weekend.

Everybody look at the moon..

Monday, November 12, 2007

The one that took ages to edit.

It started out like this.

Then I thought "bleh that's boring" so I played with some brushedsand ended up with this.

But then I didn't like it so I deleted the brushes and used a wings one instead

I tried to vignette but I had nooo idea how to do that so I added a layer of purple and made it slightly transparent at the edges and completely transparent towards the centre.

Finally gave it some texture and TADA!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Some-photos-that-I'm-not-sure-I-like-which-I-did-like-initially-but-now-I'm-not-so-sure-about. Oh, and a post about my week

The title gets chopped off! Stupid Blogger...
It should say:
-so-sure-about. Oh, and a post about my week


Reasonably ok but quite dull week. We had prizegiving on Friday. Unfortunately we couldn't spend this year making up words for the music the orchestra plays or marking the prize-receiver's outfits a mark out of 10 because a) we were made to sit in alphabetical order and b) we were the prize-receivers.
We had to go and get our GCSE certificates. I am so proud of everyone. Not cos of the GCSEs. Because many of those girls were wearing heels and no one fell over. Not even me.
We had to get a photo taken while taking the certificates off the random woman (who later gave the cheesiest speech of all time) which I'm sure is going to be horrendous.

Anyway, here's what the title of this beautiful blog was on about:

'Nother version:

In b&w:


Saturday, November 03, 2007


Went to a fireworks display today which was Queen themed so they played the fireworks in time to Queen songs, which was cool. Beforehand Immi and I mooched around town looking in weird shops and visiting Lizzy while she worked. Then we went to Pizza Express - yuummmm - and for once they had some focolate chudge cake! Last time I went to *insert name of park in place where I live =P* fireworks there were really good rides but today there were just kiddy ones =(. The fireworks were muy buen but, as I have done for the past 3 years, I didn't actually concentrate on them but on getting decent photos of them =D. This year it was harder but more fun as, unlike my Powershot A95, the EOS 400D has no fireworks setting. I kept changing exposure to try and get the best results - going from 1 second to 1/15th of a second. Those faster than 1/4 of a second didn't get the full firework (if that makes any sense) but I have really shaky hands so those that were slower had motion blur =(.
Anyway, these were the best ones:

Oh, and here's Immi sporting her beeeauuutiful Zak Efron locket. Bahahahahahahahahahhahhaha


Friday, November 02, 2007


I've just realised the song over there <---- is apparently "Goodbye Mr A" by "The Ho"
It should say it's by The Hoosiers XD.

That is all.


Thursday, November 01, 2007


So, yesterday was Halloween, and as we've done for the past two years, Immi, Lizzy and I got together for a scare fest. (Yes, there were only 3 of us. I've told you we're social lepers, right?)
We all dressed up - Immi was a bee, Lizzy an evil, killer doll and I was Gogo from Kill Bill:

How creepy is that!?

Bleeeuuuggh, my face looks horrible there!

Anyway, we watched Taken, some Salad Fingers, a documentary about ghosts in the London Underground and then The Eye, which had an ok storyline but wasn't at all scary =(. It also stole lines from The Sixth Sense and music from Romeo and Juliet =/. Oh and a man I thought was sexy (for a few seconds only!) turned out to be a woman. *Shudder*

Then today Immi and I went and saw Stardust. It has a Take That song in it XD. That's pretty much why I was it teehee. It was of those films which you don't particularly like but don't sit there thinking how poo it is. Michelle pfeiffer and Claire Danes' English accents were really funny and random celebrities like Ricky Gervais and David Walliams kept popping up. I'd probably give it 3/5. Worth a watch if you've not got anything better to do.

I'll leave you with more Halloween photos = )


This, my friends, is your WTF? of the day: