Saturday, November 03, 2007


Went to a fireworks display today which was Queen themed so they played the fireworks in time to Queen songs, which was cool. Beforehand Immi and I mooched around town looking in weird shops and visiting Lizzy while she worked. Then we went to Pizza Express - yuummmm - and for once they had some focolate chudge cake! Last time I went to *insert name of park in place where I live =P* fireworks there were really good rides but today there were just kiddy ones =(. The fireworks were muy buen but, as I have done for the past 3 years, I didn't actually concentrate on them but on getting decent photos of them =D. This year it was harder but more fun as, unlike my Powershot A95, the EOS 400D has no fireworks setting. I kept changing exposure to try and get the best results - going from 1 second to 1/15th of a second. Those faster than 1/4 of a second didn't get the full firework (if that makes any sense) but I have really shaky hands so those that were slower had motion blur =(.
Anyway, these were the best ones:

Oh, and here's Immi sporting her beeeauuutiful Zak Efron locket. Bahahahahahahahahahhahhaha



aristarionne said...

Nice fireworks. I think you did a good job. The fact that I can see no noise practically gives you an A+.

By de way, I just saw your hslloween pics, your costumes look fab! You/Gogo is that Jap girl in Kill Bill, isn' it? Looked like tons of fun.

aristarionne said...

*sigh* typo : I meant Halloween, of course.

Anonymous said...

Shame on you, Grace! Its Z-A-C! NOT Z-A-K! I'm so disappointed in you... :)