Saturday, October 13, 2007


I'm feeling all aggressive. I'm not angry or upset or anything. I just wanna hit things =D. But instead of doing that I'm gonna type here.
It's probably due to the fact that a) I am reeaally bored and b) My head hurts a lot and has done all day.
I can't wait until half term. Ahhh the freedom. I luuurve Halloween and Bonfire Night.
Craap there is chocolate spread on my jumper!! Sorry, I just noticed that...Oh well *lick*.
Um. So. I am gonna get my hair cut soon. I think I'll get a proper fringe instead of a slopy one. But I want it sort of choppy. And some layers. Lizzy also wants a fringe and layers. So Lizzy doesn't want me to get one because then, if she does too, we will "look like twins"
This is Lizzy:

This is me:

So you can see what she means.
(Sorry for the scary photo)

Hey, my aggressiveness has poofed away! How lovely.

So then.
Every Thursday Immi and I get to stand in the 6th former dining room telling year 7 - 11s that they aren't allowed to pass through because it is the law. Every 6th former has to do a duty and that is ours. I have to say I've always thought it was the most pointless rule ever - that only 6th formers have the "privilege" of walking through the dining room, but now I understand it. They enforce that rule because it is SO much fun telling people they can't walk through! OHHH THE POWER!! Mwahahhahahah.


What other crap can I ramble about?
Oh yes.
I went to see the orthodontist the other day. Hungarian bloke with funny ears. He told me my teeth weren't too small which is "good for the girls" I don't know quite what he was insinuating there.
He did a mould of my teeth and I seriously thought I would be stuck with a metal thing full of plaster in my mouth forever, he took so long and so much force to get it out.
Anyhoo, he's going to study the moulds and I may or may not end up with braces.

On the way back there was a double rainbow which had faded a bit by the time I got home but I still managed a photo or two:

SOOC, I'm afraid.



Imogen Blake said...

Hhhhahahaha ... your blogs FUNNNY.

aristarionne said...

nice neighbourhood, where you live. the houses on the street look pwetty. and autumn looks beautiful.