Wednesday, July 18, 2007

A Thrilling Tale

On the profile bit on here there's a random question thingy and my question was " The children are waiting! Please tell them the story about the bald frog with the wig"
It's not even a question but I still answered it. It was riveting and beautiful...and too long! How can I squash my creativity and imagination into 400 characters? Ridiculous.
I'll have to post it here. Enjoy!

Once upon a time there was a frog. He was bald, as many frogs are and, of course, cold blooded. He lived in Australia and absolutely loved it, he would spend his days lolling around in his lake, catching flies and generally enjoying life. But then, one day, he started to question life...He thought "There must be more to life that sitting on lily pads and eating". So he decided he would travel the world and see whatever there was to be seen. He asked a passing sea bird where he had been on his travels: "Well, every year my family fly to the Arctic when it begins to get too hot here. It's very different and it's wonderful, as long as you manage to keep warm"
"Oh" said the frog, disappointed. "I'm cold blooded...I won't be able to keep warm there"
"Well" said the sea bird, popping on a mad scientist wig and glasses "Did you know that most heat is lost through your head?"
The frog shook his head, confused.
"Well it is. So if you want to stay warm, just keep your head warm"
"Great!" Said the delighted frog. "Now I can travel to the Arctic and live life to the full! Could I possibly borrow your mad scientist wig to keep my head warm?"
"Of course, I doubt I'll need it" Said the bird, smiling and popping the wig onto the frog's head.

So the frog went to the Arctic where he met a very beautiful Arctic hare whose soft, fuzzy fur could keep him warm forever. They had freakish hare-frog-babies called Weird, Strange, Odd and Geoffrey.
And they all lived happily ever after.
The end!


orangeacid said...

Lol I have no idea what you're smoking, but I'm guessing it's green and cost a bomb.

Anonymous said...

wow you should really consider blogging at a time that's not so deep into the morning cause I read somewhere that it causes brain malfunction. Har de har. grace, it's aristarionne from flickr, im sorry but you keep putting up links and i'm a compulsive link-clicker so now you'll think i'm stalking you or something. any-the-way, interesting anecdote of the cold-blooded frog.

Anonymous said...

LOL or should it be ChOL (Chuckled Out Loud!) Nice little story. Love your blog, and photography; I take it it's your's?