Saturday, September 08, 2007

The Ball, Billie Piper, Bees and Bananas

So then.
I survived the first "week" (3 days..) of 6th form.
Atm the subject I'm enjoying most is Maths and the one that terrifies me is Biology.
The first module is Biochemistry. I am really not very good at Chemistry. And I HATE it. What's more, both my Biology teachers said we would loathe it, want to drop it and get really depressed. Fanbloodytastic.

But anyway, last night was The Ball.
Yeah..the BALL.
It was all a bit surreal.
Basically, we just spent 3 hours dancing around in ball gowns, eating Haribos and avoiding drunk people.
Which was really, really fun.
There were some crap songs though, and when a decent one came on (Sandstorm - Darude) every left! So I just danced by myself, trying to get Immi and Lizzy to join me XD

When we got home we were soooo tired and were asleep by 2.

Then today we set about making a music video to Honey to the Bee by Billie Piper.
I told you we were cool.

It's a long and beautiful story, with bees, honey (obviously), feathers, bananas..

I would love to post the result here but I'm worried The Sanity Police (=S?!?!??!) might see it.

Right, I'm going to shut up now.



orangeacid said...

What, you get a ball?! No fair!

You asked me to tell you when my new site design was up - well, I got bored of waiting for myself to finish it so I spent a few hours tonight making what I had stable and I'll just continue to work on it as a work in progress :-)

It's Check the link to you bottom right!

Imogen Blake said...

Very lovely. A wonderful tale of the week. I laughed, I cried, it was beautiful.

Anonymous said...

sounds like you had fun.....