Saturday, September 15, 2007

Grace and Her Van of Cats.

Well that was a fast week.
Just whizzed past.
6th form really is very different from the rest of school.

We had school photos yesterday. Managed to avoid being called Pickle or Blue Eyes this year and there wasn't the usual outburst of "Corrr that's a lot of hair!" or anything similar.

Oh, but I did accidently do a really creepy smile. Never mind, whenever my parents do buy them they just end up stuffed in a drawer. What's the point of having me above the fireplace anyway? If you want to see me all you need to do is shout you have chocolate for me, or something.

Anywaaaaay, school is going fine I suppose. Thankfully I'm not completely lost in Biology yet.

There are loooaads of extra curricular things offered this year. I think the only extra curricular thing I've ever done was choir in year 4. What!? It was fun =D. There's stuff like Mandarin lessons (4 languages is enough, ta very much), Photography club (They don't let you use your own camera though...I think it's all film) and something I can't remember the initials of where you umpire sports and such for an award...bleugh.
There is one thing I'm interested in though. It's cal
led Wings of Hope (Can you imagine the meeting for that name? "ok guys, we need something really cheesy. And I don't just mean your standard Cheddar, we want full blown, unadulterated Stinking Bishop kinda stuff.") All you have to do is form a team of less than 8 or enter as an individual and do some fundraising. Then you create a "snapshot project" to show what you've been getting up to and see if you've gone through to the next round and into the top 25. There are prizes, prizes I don't particularly want like work experience, but it looks good on your UCAS form and CV and sounds kinda fun.
So, I'll be entering with Immi and Lizzy. We need a name. We had a few *cough* ideas:
  • The Pythagorean Triple
  • Orion's Belt
  • Charity number one, please!
  • Dree dree dree!
  • Tres
  • Shamrock
  • Ben and His Van of Dogs
  • Grace's Bitches
  • Ronnie and the Sinister Ducks
Erm, yeah...we'll keep thinking XD.

I do believe that is all I have to say.


Imogen Blake said...

Our names are great.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.