Monday, September 03, 2007

The final, and best, weekend of the summer.

It's all over.
And what a ride it's been; quite literally yesterday.
But I'll start at Saturday.

Off I went to Lizzy's house so we could drive to...somewhere in East London...and get the train and tube to Covent Garden and whatnot.
We had lunch and then wandered around the shops, including Paperchase, where Immi started looking at notebooks, saying they weren't big enough. So when I saw some larger ones I pointed at them and said "Look there's a biggun" to which Immi replied, "Cor that is a biggun" It was then that I noticed there was a humongous woman right in the direction we were pointing. Ooooops.
Anyway, then we went and saw The Lord of the Rings on stage in Drury Lane (sadly we did not see the Muffin Man).
What did I think of it?
Well, first I'll tell you that I have only ever seen half an hour of the first film and that those who had seen them quite a few times, and read the book, had difficulty understanding what was going on. So it had to be explained to me in Harry Potter terms.
What I got was that Voldemort made some horcruxes, one a lot stronger than the others, he lost it...or somehow ended up in the hands of an evil Dobby. Some bloke stole it from Dobby, went a bit crackers, and gave it to his nephew. Dobby wanted it back..Dumbledore told the nephew to...go on an adventure...= /. Death eaters and dementors tried to kill him and his mates. Some people fell in love. Dumbledore died and came back to life. A big face came out of the ground. And they all died at the end...or not..depending on who you ask.
So yeah.
The stage and effects were amaaaaazing though. The singing was...well...sometimes it just didn't fit in. That's all I'm saying.

After that we got the tube, train and car back to merry Ipswich (Which involved getting in a lift which had an advert for a lobster fest in some restaurant...and then later walking past the restaurant..*shudder* and MUCHO hyperness from me and Immi.) where we were whizzed off to Immi's house, which is in the middle of nowhere.
After a couple of games of Mastermind, and struggling to teach Lizzy the ways of the game, we went to bed. At 11. ELEVEN!!
I don't think I really got any sleep though..the next thing I knew we were up at 5am getting ready for the coach journey to Alton Towers.
I'll skip to the good parts.
Alton Towers = Fun land.
It rained but it didn't matter.
Lizzy thought every ride was going to somehow decapitate her, and I reassured her by telling her about that ride in America (I think) that ripped someone's feet off.
Air got stuck (luckily while we weren't on it) so people were left dangling over a huge drop for about an hour.
Air got fixed (wahay!) and we decided to make it more fun (if that's possible) by singing the Pokemon theme tune (ok, half singing, half screaming).
Immi and I always get particularly enthusiastic in that song. Look, you can see the passion in our faces.

A beautiful moment, I feel.

We went on 5 other rides, which really doesn't sound like many but it felt like a lot. Oh, unless you count the Skyride thing...which, IMO, was the scariest one =P.
The best was Rita. 0-60 in 1.5 seconds. We went on the single riders queue so we could get on faster and I ended up next to a bloke who kept going "Woaah! Wooahoohoooah! WOOOAAH!" the whole way. That amused me.

For some reason I didn't find Nemisis all that fun.. = /. That's another suspended one...a few loops...I think maybe it wasn't fast enough for me to like it.

There was a recurring theme of Billie Piper's Honey to the Bee. "Banana!" Don't ask.

Anyhoo, the last ride we went on was Air, for the 3rd time. We didn't sing that time but we did do this. I must just say that that isn't from The Simpsons Movie. Bean - the movie did it long before that, in a different way.
Here's a lovely shot of that:

Then began the 4 hour journey home with a giant shark. Air guitarring. Harry. A dreadlock, an eggnog (yes AN), a Finnish man, a genius and a helium balloon.
Ahhh good times.

But, like I said, it's all over now.
2 days (almost 1) left until 6th form.

Summer of 2007 - Harry Potter, crab wielding Spanish guys, Never Be Lonely, 34 sleepless hours, air saxophone, Captain Obvious, shameboxes, direct proportion to funny bone pain, Lucozade Sport, Trivial Pursuit, large women in stationary shops, killer worms, London's Burning, live pasta making and dancing hobbits - I salute you.



aristarionne said...
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aristarionne said...

I'm in shock. You, you know what POKEMON is?

Wow, and all these years I've been selfish in thinking it only managed to woo Asians and Americans. Heehee. I friggin' love Pokemon. Especially the games. I pretend I'm Ash while playing it on my brother's gameboy (don't tell anyone, it's a shameful secret that I like portable video games)

you look like ya had FUNNN on the rides.
you gave me an idea, after my certificate exams, I am so zooming off and dragging my friends with me to a theme park ^_^

orangeacid said...

Your posts really do inspire me to get a move on fixing my blog you know :-P There's a link to you in my blogroll :-)

Glad you had a nice last weekend... I go back on Thursday and I've been working straight since last Friday.

Bellatrix said...

Of course I've heard of Pokemon! I was OBSESSED with it when I was about 9 hehehehe.

Where's your blog?? Link me, damn you! It says your profile is private!

Anonymous said...

Long live Pokemon!

Down with the shamebox.. ¬_¬

Anyway Grace, sounds like you had a great time! I wonder how you'll plan to top all this in Summer '08 =P

orangeacid said...

bellatrix - I haven't used blogger for yeaaaaaaaaaars :-P My blogs at, but I'm redesigning it to look loads sexier. Check the post on the redesign :-) I want to post every day, and doubly as much every time I read your posts, but I keep forcing myself to invest the time in the redesign instead.

Bellatrix said...

Dan and Ella, we called each other by our screen names =S

aristarionne said...

Okay. You do want to be called Grace then?

But then one wonders what screen names are for... oh whatever I keep creating a new one everyday anyway. Hard to track me sooner or later.

You can call me Ella, sure. But lately everyone has been jingling my name into that Rihanna's Umbr'ella' song, which sadly has made me grow tired of hearing my own name. Hardehar. People are annoying.

That song 'Grace' by Kate Havnevik sounds much lovelier. I wish my name would come out in a less irritating song. Lucky you Grace.

Bellatrix said...

I don't really mind = ). I just found it weird that I had done it as I usually call people online by their real names.