Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Envelope

It sort of feels like there should be an overvoice man with a deep voice and cheesy American accent going "Here it is folks! The moment you've all been waiting for!"
Yup, they're here.
The results.
The thing I've practically eaten my hands over - chewing the skin around my nails - for the past week or so.
This is gonna sound a bit weird but it feels exactly like when I got Harry Potter DH. I waited for what felt like eternity and when the moment finally came I didn't want it be there after all. It took me 3 hours to read anything other than the dedication of HP...who knows when I'll feel like opening The Envelope (I so feel like adding "of DOOOOOM")
I couldn't get to sleep last night until about 6...I just kept thinking about it...then when I did fall asleep I dreamt I got them, not really fair is it? I can't actually remember what happene
d in the dream though.
Right now I don't want to speak to anyone...I actually refused a call from my friend Immi this morning - sorry about that! - because I really don't want to know what anyone else got yet. Once I've read them I'll - hopefully - want to phone everyone I can though.
So of yet I remain in the bliss of ignorance with an envelope still waiting to be opened.
Wish me luck..



Imogen Blake said...


Anonymous said...

I'm just impressed that, before opening the envelope, you stopped to take a photo and write a post about it...