Saturday, August 11, 2007

Just a couple of things.

I just thought I'd write about a couple of films I saw recently that I really enjoyed. I have to say though, I wouldn't recommend either if you just wanna sit back, relax and enjoy.
The first was Pan's Labyrinth, or El Laberinto de Fauno as it's really called, I knew it was supposedly an adult's fairy tale but it was very different to how I imagined it. Firstly, it's very very graphic, gory and violent. I thought I was pretty much desensitised after watching Kill Bill and Battle Royale, but the scenes of gore were somehow much more real and although I could watch I certainly didn't find them pleasant.
It's also quite creepy. Not screamably (I made a word!) but The Pale Man was really freaky..
So anyway, I was expecting it to all be set in a weird and wonderful fantasy world but you're only taken there for maybe a total of half an hour in the whole film. It's actually set in some Spanish war (Don't ask me which one, I am le poopoo at history) in the 1940s and that's mostly what you see. If I had been told this beforehand, I never in a million years would have watched it but I actually found it gripping and loved the transition from it to Ophelia's fantasy world.
It was not the cheeriest of films but it left me with a lot of unanswered questions, and after browsing the IMDB boards, I've realised it's a pretty deep film. I think I'd give it 8.5/10.
Oh yeah, don't worry about the subtitles as you forget you're even watching a Spanish film after about 20 minutes. For me, having it in another language added to it absolutely.

Right, yes, so, next film

Requiem for a Dream. Saw it last night. Was completely blown away.
It left me staring at my laptop for a good 2 minutes, open mouthed, trying to sum up my feelings for what I'd just seen.
Thoroughly depressing. Engaging. Amazing.
The music, directing, camera work, acting and storyline were absolutely spot-on.
There were some very disturbing scenes but they were absolutely necessary to get the message of the film across.
I got completely sucked into the plot and began caring about the sorts of characters I never thought I would.
I'd give it 9/10, knocking off 1 because it did leave me feeling very very very very very depressed. But in a good way, if that makes any sense.

I know I've not said too much about the storylines of the two films...I just wanted to tell anyone reading how they affected me rather than what they're about...seems a better way to choose a film, to me.

Righto, that's all.


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